Sunday, March 16, 2025


December 11, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

I was inspired to start my own business in 2002 because of the powerful abilities i gained from reading Neothink. I read everything that struck my interest from Neothink starting sometime in the late 90’s. I formerly was not much of a reader as I read kind of slow. I attended the Millionaire maker seminar in Las Vegas with Ted Nicholas and from that day on I started a journey to take control of my life. That is why I started my own business in 02′. However I have for a long time wondered if I am in the right business. I love some parts of what I do and I apply complete honesty in my business.
I am not sure what my Friday-Night Essence is. I have liked to fix things since I was very young but I think that stems from my desire to know how things work, which I believe comes from my desire to invent things that solve problems. I can not tell you how many times I have thought of something that I would like to develop then a year or so later I see it in the store or on an infomercial. I run a heating and air conditioning business and lately I have been really passionate about sustainable energy but lack the resources to do the research/experimentation needed to get ahead of the competition. I know and have always known that my FNE is something that will improve the world we live in. Still not what though. Thank you the opportunity to develop further and I look forward to continuing my journey with Neothink and you Mark.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Wow”
  1. Charlie says:


    Great Integration!
    I can get you in touch with our Business Alliance Group. Please contact me at


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