Sunday, March 9, 2025


May 24, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

hey guy`s my name is Ruben.I have a lot to shear with you.what i am going throw right now in my life is knot good and i know it,but i don`t know how to Handel the problems that i is my story,i was throw`en out at the age of 15 i have been on my own sens then,i ended up on skid row for to weeks,then i found the common denominator and that was no one worked so i when`t out and got job so i could buy other peoples values witch i did and that is when i lerend to integrate knowledge in my life but i did knot know how to put the puzzel peaces to gither,but the tool`s you`ev given me know i know how and i thankyou for that. you see it takes money to move forwored in this life witch is some thing i don`t have,all my life i have made other people reach and i get scrowed but that`s okay,now i know why and that makes me happy,pleas forgiv my spealing .i have gone through life knot in this world but in a world of my owen ,i have kept my self separated from this world but i never new why,but i know now and it all make`s sens to me know,my life will change know thank you for that,I know that what i read in the 3 book`s are true for the most part,what i really need is to talk to you or one of my brothers in this world of are`s,look here is my phone number 928-301-7479 i can`t pay 30 bucks a month the money i payed for the books was money i pulled from other things like my truck witch i am going to loose know but it`s worth it to me.Ruben

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One Response to “What I KNOW”
  1. Stephanie Shean says:

    Hi Ruben,
    I have gone through some tough times myself. I abrutly became a single mother, which in turn made me a welfare mother. I made it “mostly” out of the welfare system by being a hard worker and a value producer,within just a years time. I say mostly because I am still living in income based housing. You made a very helpful discovery when you found the common denominator of everyone around you not working.I made the same discovery living here in income based housing. I also learned that this leads to the expecting something from nothing attiutde I am surrounded by. Just by being a steady hard worker and value producer you will see, in what seems to be no time at all, your situation improve greatly. I will tell you that I am very touched by your story and very proud of you for seeing the common denominaator. It may take time but you are definitley on the right path to turning your life around. I think once you learn the power of integrated thinking you will soar way beyond what you ever expected out of life. You are not alone in this journey.

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