January 2, 2011 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
I have always enjoyed whatever I was doing by virtue of making a game of it. It was sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes uplifting, always rewarding for the experience it gave me in different fields. Neothink has been a life-saver for me, by introducing me to the idea that there were others in this world who were integrated thinkers. However, I never made much money, just enough to get by.
I have always made a joke of the fact that I believe that “Man created God in Man’s own image”. Sure enough, now that I’m up in age, I find that someone agrees with me – frankly, I’m in shock.
My perception of my “Friday night essence” is cloudy, because I’ve always enjoyed myself, no matter how personally rewarding or unrewarding the task I was accomplishing. I was raised with the idea that money in and of itself is unimportant – indeed, I’ve never understood economics – Printed money, in reality, is just a piece of paper. I’ve attempted to be honest in a dishonest world – the number of believers in deceit as a way of life is not really comprehensible to me.
In attempting to integrate the techniques of running a business in the Neothink integrations, I’ve run into a lot of problems. Number one is my perception of value. I simply do not see that anything I can contribute is worth anything to anyone else. Can you help me to see my value in terms of value to someone else?
Great Integration.
Sometimes just doing the simple things in life can contribute value to someone else. I sure that you have made someone laugh when then were having a bad day. That is value. Just helping people is value. The more you read the literature the more value you will feel.
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