Time and Money Are Very Tight At This Time
May 13, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Mark Hamilton,
First of all I am in total agreement with the Neothink Thinking. Actually I have been reacting to Life and Society with almost a “Radical” and “Rebellious” attitude most of my life. I always felt that “the rules” were set up for only the average joe to follow, and somehow did not pertain to the upper class. Life is something that is to be enjoyed and I have done so for the greater part of my 65 years.
That being said, Over the past six years, since the 2008 economic crash, my wife’s health and mobility issues have become very bad. I was laid off from work at 59 going on 60. To gain employment after 60 is next to impossible. I have many passions that I would like to put toward creating value to me and society, but I am working at just keeping positive and spending a great deal of time taking care of my wife. She is unable to do anything in the house and can no longer drive. I am trying to keep up with the reading of the heirloom packages. I have all three and more and then I receive another letter stating that I need to spend another $149.95 on another book and also a second letter that says that I need to have this other book for $295.50, both by May 16th. I will get the $149.95 now, but I am not made of money at this time and working part time and making sure my wife is alright are my top priorities. These are just facts in my world at this time, and not meant to be self pit by any means. I have always made it work in difficult time and will again.
After all that, the main question is how do I get more hours in the day to not only read all the packages and work, but also manage to creat value that would help others and generate money?
Your heirloom packages have great value, but I feel I must go back and re-read some of each of the three to clarify my total understanding when I have more rest.
Levis J.