Sunday, January 12, 2025


February 20, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

I have spent countless hours over the years searching for the secret truths behind why religions exist. The idea of ancient texts being the progress of mans growth into fuller consciousness does explain how so many cultures around the world came to the similar ideas of a God. Through out this process I have been learning how to unlearn what my idea of God is and the image superimposed upon that concept. Each religion or anti-religious book or idea has challenged my personal views forcing personal growth. I have built my own views and values. Your Neo-Tech organization has challenged my thoughts once again and forced me to change my views. Thank you for bringing such radical ideas for me to integrate into my life. I agree people have taken the God idea to manipulation others. I believe that people become who they are based on their beliefs usually adopted through pier pressure. To change and grow to become a better person beliefs that have better results need to be put into place. The idea of no God gives people the clean break from the false ideas they live under. The God concept is just to easy for people’s use when controlling others. The idea of “Zons” at first made me laugh because to me it was foreign but actually does follow logic. That does not remove the possibility of a true God. Imagine the possibility of having balance between both worlds of integrated thinking and instincts from a higher source. Our brains could possibly be that “quantum computer” that communicates with the collective consciousness. It would just be a matter of learning how. This is possibly what ancients sages had done but the primitive mind labeled it God/Heaven. It is the “I” from your books becoming the “WE.” Or as most ancient religions view it the original Alpha Consciousness “WE” temporarily becoming multiple “I”s to later return to the Great “We”? I believe in living life to its fullest and living longer opens so much more possibilities. The ability to live forever could come from understanding this “God” life source.

Do you agree with this concept of God?
Please explian why or why not.


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