Saturday, March 15, 2025

think I finally understand FNE

February 21, 2017 by Bill Stadelmann  
Filed under Integrations

What you call a FNE is something I believe I`ve been doing for years not realizing it .My father always seemed to do everything the hard way. If he wanted me to dig a trench and he had a backhoe and a shovel, he`d want me to do it with the shovel. So ,I always look for smarter and easier if possible to do things.
For 18 years I struggled with PTSD. I`d go to the VA and they`d tell us they didn`t know how to treat it, give us tranquilizers, and seed us home. They`d change our doctors constantly. After 13 years of 2hrs. of sleep, if you call nightmares sleep, and unable to get the war(Viet Nam)off my mind(It`s like being on a merry go round you can`t get off no matter how you try),I wanted to blow my brains out one night. So I asked God, telling Him I couldn`t handle this any more, what is the answer? The answer came to me that I had to understand how the mind worked. Then I went to the library and read book after book for 4 or 5yrs. When I read a book, if what they suggested in the book wasn`t going to hurt me, I`d try it, if their idea worked I`d buy it ,if not I`d write them off as quacks a not read their garbage. I compiled the ideas in mind and one day I woke up and it was gone. I realized immediately it all came together and I had solved that puzzle. What a relief. So I go to the doctor and start telling him what I did. In astonishment he asked! why are you coming to see me Bill, you know more about this than I do? Well doc, it`s like this, If the VA opens the medical books and sees there`s nothing in there, they`ll think I`m ok and cut my pension off. He said yes they will, So Ì told him if they wanted to play games I`d be glad to come see him to visit once a month. He then asked me if I knew who he was? I said, you`re Dr. Peter Hayman(not sure how he spelled his last name).He said he`d like to think of himself as more than his Doctor, He says I`m the head Psychiatry Dept. at Syracuse University. I said (no shit Doc, that`s great)Then he asked me, Bill, would you do me a favor? What`s that Doc? I have all these students in their last year of med school at SU. Would you mind coming there and explaining to them what you told me? I told him I`d love to but I only scratched the surface with him, it would be a 3 hour lesson .He said no problem. So I told him to get his students together and call me when he`s ready. He called me shortly after and I went there. I let them start out with giving me all their psychiatric test. Then after they were all done I explained that they were bunch of theoretical nonsense. Now I said, let me explain what really works. After 3 hours I was done and got a standing ovation. That was very nice, but I knew the Doctor would go back to the VA and explain this to his colleagues what I told him. All us psychiatric patients hung around a smoke room waiting for our appointments. Now going on 18 yrs. ,no one was any better than when they started. It wasn`t 6 month to about a year after that lecture and they no longer came. I was never told but I assume they were all better. Apparently the message never got to the VA in Washington because we have 22 combat veterans a day committing suicide, how sad. Is that what ya call integration?

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