Monday, March 3, 2025

thank you

March 26, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

First I would like to thank you for the knowledge that I agree with also could you please thank Kevin Trudeau for inducing me to your society. I havea few question only about a thousand or so lol could my friday night essecence be that I am a thinker/inventor I will give you a long example my apartment got robbed about a month ago. The person wasnt a drug addict crimial because they would of stole everything possible they would of use my luggage bags too get more things such as dvds I have alot of them. The person didnt steal my big screen either so I am very lucky it could of been alot worse but they did steal a few thousand dollars worth of stuff such my PS3 gaming system the 30 games that go with that system my laptop and all of my Porn being a single guy that hurts how can you steal another man’s porn lol. What do I do call the police and what do the police do nothing at All I find out that they dont even take fingure prints only for violet crimes what a joke.For 3 days I felt like a victim I work hard to get what I have I came from poorness didnt have much when I was younger but I understand if you work hard and have some patience you will get there. Right now I work assited the handicapp its a ok job I get to be a kid all day long ITs cool to see the bicameral mind work at the basic level and see people that dont care about any out side forces acouple of them do understand a little but most dont even undersatnd the concept of money And they are very young looking because of so little stess the crap part of the job is I have to deal with voience and I have to clean shit up not so much fun at people inc for bullshit money that i have to budget to get things I want. The 3 days pass I am cleaning my TV and I notice they didnt take the sensors for the one game it makes the guns at least useless I thought good at least you will have too buy new guns to make it work and then I thought at least my laptop had a password and it will be a bitch to get that to work then I had a idea moment gaming systems should have a 10 digit password letters and numbers with caps thats like a billion combination in time no one would try to steal that kind of stuff to protect kids and young adults because stealing thatwould make it useless to anyone that didnt have the code at first i Was going to write to just playstion3 about doing this code for playstions 4 and i thought if playstion did that then other gaming system would have too also to keep up with the vaule of the anti thief code and maybe in time more things such as tv dvd players computers all that kind of things would become useles too steal because of this code. The thing is i will give that idea away for free too help eveyone and help myself later in life and then five minutes later I had even a bigger idea than that a way to stop 90 percent of all crime ask me how.

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