Monday, March 10, 2025


August 7, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

Hi very excited to learn a lot of these new concepts which i can relate to such as the anti civilization, which has become a trap of stagnation for all under the system. I always knew that, what i like to call the “system of things,” really has been established by the world’s elite class to keep the majority of the world’s population under control as slaves. I always thought that the definition of the “American Dream” (going to school, get a career, work for years and retire until you dye) was the most empty goal that has ever been thrown into the mind of the masses, including myself. I just could no go along with it!! I hated the idea of getting into massive amounts of debts just to get the basics of life, such as a roof over your head, basic vocational schooling or a career at a university, even basic reliable transportation to commute to the dreaded work place just to make sure you and your loved ones have something to eat. I am still reading the second heirloom, which i thought was the third, until i got the letter for the the third heirloom offer which i thought was a mistake. I sent it late, hopefully i can still get it, and i would really appreciate if you still would send it to me please! Anyway everything rings true to me and i believe the human body is designed to live forever. The capacity of the Brain is mind boggling and really designed to learn for eternity. It’s really sad what the parasitical class of the elite have done to keep everyone dumbed out and ignorant. I believe that failing to do what is right when you have the power to do so is definitely a “sin,” or a crime against humanity, specially if they use that power to harm those who have allowed them to be in power over them. Their day will come fast and hard, and they deserve every bit that comes their way. Anyway I know there seems to be a movement which will bring a measure of peace of security in the world and it will be very interesting to see this unprecedented movement come about. I can’t help to feel that still there seems to be that wherever there is harmony and power there is always intelligent design at the foundation. Anyway I know there is so much to yet to be learned, and like some people have said, the more you learn the more you realize how stupid or ignorant we still are. I Look forward to the journey!!! And thank you for the Info!!! I do have a question i was wondering; what kind of screening process do you use in order to find ” the so called special people with hidden talents” as described through the letters sent prior to getting the books that you offer. Also I feel like my Friday night essence is to learn and teach practical information for people to use so that they can benefit themselves on a daily basis, how can even more clearly define and pin point so as to start making some real money through my Friday night essence?

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