still thinking
September 21, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
hey charlie I’ve watched my level 1 for the second time now i know my fri nt essence and yes i causes a euphoria feelin the problem is getting there see i don’t have well i have a business but it is seasonal so right now I’m not sure if i can afford the web sight see i work all summer just to help pay bills from the last winter then keep the bills payed up for summer and a little stash to help keep things going in the winter I’m trying to pull together money to help pay for the sight if i cant is this going to be the only time i can enter the site or am i always welcome now that i well i haven’t gotten my third heirloom yet but it is on it’s way. the other question is my fri nt essence i figured out how to power think and can do it quite well I’ve gone as far as an energy co and brought it back to every little piece that takes me to that co the problem is one of those pieces is the lottery i can see myself winning or at least i was really really happy with a ticket in hand so i would think that meant i won you see I’m not the type who really cares about the lottery i don’t even go to casinos but as it would say in inside secrets a means to the end i don’t care about cars boats expensive watches but i do care about getting my idea started the question is i can see winning but i cannot predict the numbers correctly any thoughts
Do you know about the Law of Attraction. Keep believing that you will win the lottery and just might. Do you listen to any of the National Calls? Do you belong to a clubhouse, if not ket me know where you live and then I can hook you up with one. Contact me at