Wednesday, March 19, 2025

So Exciting!

July 29, 2016 by F.W  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Everyone,
I’m finally tuned in, YAY!!!
It took me a while to straighten life and really focus on the message here. How is it that person can get so wrapped up in the “day to day” and just surviving, that they could have a whole new world right in the palm of there hands and be too wrapped up to utilize it !?!?!?! My journey starts at 30, 1 year AFTER I read the amazing heirlooms. (smh) I had all the access and kept up with the fees and books, even attended some meetings, and I as bad as I wanted to do this, to be here, I just couldn’t.

I have been an extremely hard worker for most of my life and realized at age 15, if my family was ever going to get out of their rut, I was going to have to be the one to do it. (In retrospect I think “Damn, I wish I didn’t figure that out so soon) You see almost my whole family lived in the a very small 4 bedroom apartment together. My grandmother raised 7 kids by herself and as they became adults and moved out she always kept and open door for them to fall back on, a home, a foundation. I thought back then that that was all you needed love and support right?…wrong? As the men took responsibility for there mistakes, returned home less, made there own money and started families of their own, I realized there was more. You see my grandmother taught my mom and my aunts to be good women and sent all the men to the military to become strong men. Well, “good” and “strong” Ain’t the same thing and at 15 years old I saw the full effects of how good women ended up with nothing unless they found a strong man to provide it to them… I understood then that this concept was ruining my family and quite possibly the world! :-/ what a recipe for a disaster that created. She raised me and taught all the best morals but she never really taught us “how to get our own” as women. My mom, having me at 15 years old, was still finding herself so I spent lots of time with my grandmother. Right around when I turned 15 years of age and my mom and aunts started to figure out that having your own money was key, they began to grind (work really hard) and thats when I began to see the light. I got a job at 15 years old and learned quickly after being in corporate america early, that even being a hard worker wasn’t the “way out” either…In fact its a trap. So at 25, I was just burned out and thinking “I’m supposed to do this shit until I’m how old?…Not Me! I felt like all of those failures and accomplishments were leading to a big bunch of nothing!

So, I began to focus inward, on my spirit, my family, on building my own businesses. And then Neothink happened. And in spite of all the turbulence to get to this point I finally feel like with these tools and who I already am, and what I already know, life can be and is truly great.

I said all that to say if you are here, take it one day at a time, until it clicks, even if its a month, a year or 2 years, come back, tune in and evolve! Good Luck Everyone, Let’s Go!

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One Response to “So Exciting!”
  1. Hello,
    So thankful first off to have been chosen from the elite, and to have Mark Hamilton as my mentor. I have always known I am special, even as a small child, I have just lost my way throughout the years as to who I am and my real purpose here on this earth. I recall an instance as a small child, walking with my cousin carrying a short stick that I attached a piece of fishing line to with a fish hook on it. It had just rained and the ditch beside my grandad’s home was say 1/2 full of water and there was a small concrete bridge running from the yard to the road, so you can stand on it and we were headed over this so as to cross the road to the other side to go to a pond way out in the field across the other side of the road. I stopped and giggled saying “I am going to catch a fish”, standing, and I was looking into the very small ditch that must have only had about say less than 8 inches of water in it, and my cousin said “you’re not going to catch a fish, you don’t even have any bait on the end of the hook”. I just giggled again PLAYINGLY through the line into the water and instantly pulling it back out again, noted THERE WAS A VERY SMALL FISH ON THE END OF MY HOOK. I began laughing out loud saying, SEE… I DID CATCH ONE… and my cousin said WOW, HOW DID YOU DO THAT…. I said I don’t know, but I told you I would… Now that’s PROGRESS PLAYING… I love that, and I know that I have so much potential inside me, it’s all built up with nowhere to go, until NOW. I know I am a work in progress, and am so excited, as I want to be a part of FINDING CURES, AND ENDING AGING AND DEATH, but I have no idea where to begin. I am not sure about my Friday-night Essense, but I have always loved helping others, and the funny part is up till now, I have no one helping me. My dad died when I was 9, then I had mom who worked, grandad and grandma mainly raised me until I was older, teenager and mom is a survivor, but was never truly happy, still isn’t. I can say life had me so far down I did not care if I died, now after finding the true meaning of life, HELPING OTHERS and ENDING AGING AND DEATH, I do not want to die, I love life, love living and want to build my talents, with the help of others in this secret society. I have seen many visions, they are all too surreal, but I can say I hope (some) of them come to pass for sure. Thanks for being my teacher and Mentor Mark, YOUR ONE OF THE BEST things that have happened to me in my life so far. I just wish I had my loved ones around me to share in it, as my oldest son who lived across the road from me took all my grandchildren and his wife and moved, before I ever got this chance, and my middle son lives away from me, and my youngest son, who is living at home with me is 15 and is in his own little world with his friend he plays video games with, and I don’t have the energy to argue with him anyway, I can’t wait to join the site you mentioned and find the secret formula to biological immortality I NEED THAT and CAN’T WAIT. I AM READY FOR MY HEALTH TO COME BACK TO ME SO THAT I CAN KEEP ON HELPING OTHERS AND FINDING THE CURES TO AGING AND DEATH, I REALLY WANT TO BE A PART OF THAT. I AM AN RN AND TAKING ONLINE CLASSES RIGHT NOW, ALMOST HAVE MY BSN,RN… that does not matter if I can’t use the knowledge I have, as right now I am battling with hypertension. AGAIN, THANKS for all you are doing and going to do, can’t say thanks enough… I could not sleep last night, because I was thinking again, on things that happened to me while I was a small child, something I do a lot here lately. enough here, will love to talk more later.

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