Session 1 Section 2 and 3
October 19, 2015 by Daniel Lantis
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
Thank you for sharing about guilt in section 2. I’ve always been a servant and always tried to service people. I found in life, there’s two types of people. Servers and Takers. If I am not careful as a server, I let the takers lay guilt on me in what I am trying to do to help. So when you give me the area to study about guilt, it really has open my eyes. Thank you.
Question: Concerning immortality, I have a strong belief, that God gives immortality if we stand on his word. Our life we will live on this earth for a period of time and when that time is done, we move on to a different realm. Is it okay in the Neothink Society to stand on this belief? My phone number is [moderator: do not put your phone number on the public internet]. Thank you for your time.
Daniel L.