Sunday, March 9, 2025


May 24, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

mark could this be what i am looking for a few years ago a dead end so to speak job i was on give me a chance not offered to me because i was only a clerk to step out an offer something i enjoyed in my pass time designing buildings for both business an homes the people i worked for were well into secure with this mom pop store which was one of two came across it at a very good price due to sudden death of the owner now this store had everthing location good new owners people persons who was rubbing elbows with all the elite as well as the working class it lacked mainly only one thing layout because it didnt match the old owners dream i brought this to the new owners attention being good friends at this point in time they agreed a lot of space but little use of course i am a clerk why ask me what to do they paid many who it was there business to arrange layouts and the last cost 500 dollars no refund and it was a very poor system offered as the owners shared with me that day that night i went home and put all to rest as they would never accept any thing from me but at 2 am the nest morning i awoke the next morning from a very sound sleep not knowing what was happening a vision if you will came to me quickly sketched a layout that work for me as a worker in the store carried it to the store the next day and as the wife was raving about it the husband who had retired from a very large chain came in imediately looked t it copied it and said this will work and the next day started construction on the total revamp of the store and is still in use today was never compensated for it other then i had the orginal and it was my idea lol could this be something of what i am understanding of what i am reading here in your visions thank you

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