Monday, March 10, 2025

Question regarding Meeting 1 and general integration

July 4, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

I would like clarification on your definition of the difference between producing value and creating value. I have my own ideas of what I think this could mean but I would like to know what your definition is in a short answer. I have read most of the material as well I would just like a short direct answer if possible.

One of the major challenges I have faced my entire life is choosing one thing at a time to focus my energies on in order to achieve the success I long for. My interests, abilities, and activities that could be Friday-Night Essence vary so greatly it becomes difficult to decide what to do first. I even tested as whole brain dominant in grade school as opposed to right or left brain dominant to use one example for the reason why I think this is.

As a result I have focused on my business niche (The mortgage business) where I have produced a great deal of value for all of my past clients and co-workers for nearly 10 years. I am discouraged daily by the lack of integrity, passion, and work ethic that I find myself surrounded by. While I do produce and created value I know I would find much greater happiness elsewhere for my work in a place where I won’t be exposed to so much dissapointment in others.

I long to fulfill other dreams in a much more creative capacity where I know I could have an even greater impact on the people in this world for the good of all concerned. I need to work for myself or be in a work place where I am surrounded by like minded people that aren’t just usurping power from other’s all the time. Making this transition is my biggest challenge right now. I have two books I want to finish writing, fine art to get back to, a yoga website to promote to encourage the journey to physical health as a true joy in our world for everyone even the most common person, I need to start singing again (I have started writing songs again in the last year), and I even have ideas for science that could advance our civilization to greater places while helping us to live in harmony with our environment.

Since I was a young girl I have always only wanted to use my creative abilites to encourage people to look inside themselves, to question the accepted norm, and better the world by helping people find happiness through understanding the truth of life.

I feel like it will be difficult for me to truely connect with my Friday-Night Essence and choose one at a time to springboard into my new life until I can leave the mortgage business completely. But I must be able to financially support myself along the way to this change. I am hopeful that using the techniques I have yet to discover from Neothink will help me cross this chasm I currently face. I use many of the techniques already but I have a lot of polishing up to do before they are perfected.

Any insights you can share are greatly appreciated. I am frustrated. I feel like I am on the verge of making a great positive chamge but it often seems like I may never get there. I would be greatly interested in finding out if there are any local chapter meetings of Churches if we must call them that.

Thank you for all your positive support.

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