February 10, 2011 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
That was a great first meeting! The Friday-Night essence! and Playing! I have seen these traits in other successful people that I have met over the years but until now have never conceptualized them into being successful, all these tools you have given us, (me) are enormous treasures that I have never seen in all the information that I have ever purchased in the past, I have many passions, many Friday-Night Essences but my first and main one now is my passion for building wealth, from there it will branch out into many ventures, possibly political gor I am sick of all the crap from both parties, anyway I am trying to get a business started up by the end of the month not bad for just getting back to work after 2 years unemployed and making $11.25 an hour, YES I AM PROUD OF THAT! I promise it wont be long before i join that site okay?
Great Integration. If you have any other questions or would like to meet other members please contact me at
Your Level 1 Mentor