Monday, February 24, 2025


June 10, 2022 by Discovered  
Filed under Integrations

Here I go again, Hello Mark you’ve probably have had more integrations submit by any one other than me.
I attended my 1st meeting and I was so excited that I got into private mode . on the sign in page it said that you will receive a new password every month for the next twelve months.
I get easily distracted and not very computer savvy. Any how I could not attend my 2nd meeting because I had forgotten my password. I have not yet at all received my link to reset my password.
I don’t understand
Am I blocked from the meetings?
Any how I need a an 8 hr miracle that’s about enough time to get the link ,reset my password write it down memorize it and login to my next meeting.
Will you please help me. I only have about eight hours to get the link an attend my next meeting
If this is plan to have me attend the meeting? The last integration I sent through level 2 is not going to post for a couple of days. So I won’t have any time tho get to the meeting.
I thought Neothink was my home. I decided that I want to belong to Neothink for the rest of my life!
Please get me into the meetings
Thank you ever so much

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