Monday, March 10, 2025

New Outlook on Life

November 22, 2020 by Johnetta  
Filed under Integrations

I first want to thank Mark for selecting me to be part of the Society. Because of these NeoThink Heirlooms, my life has changed. I have a new outlook on life. Thank you Mark!
My question is:
As a 50 year old woman, starting this journey, I am a little confused about how to integrate my friday night essence with my physical job. I want to start my own restaurant. Several restaurants in fact. However, my income job is building airplane doors. I know that there is something more for me because this dead end job is not it. How can I start my Friday night essence, now?

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No Responses to “New Outlook on Life”
  1. Michelle Morgan says:

    Hi Mark. Thank you for bringing me into the fold. I have found 2 Friday-Night Essences that are keeping me up at night. The first is writing books for younger children and I’ve written 3 so far. Now working on steps to get published. My second FNE is looking at starting a school that teaches Neo-Think to it’s students. I have lots of ideas on that, just trying to figure out how to get it moving forward. Anyway, I am really excited to be here and look forward to what else is in store for us.

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