Tuesday, March 4, 2025

New Member needs help

April 6, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

My first level1 meeting was very interesting. Do I know my Friday night Essence yes I think I do I,m an artists. Lapidary art [rock hound]oil paintings and other forms of art. I,m not doing art though,I am over welled with playing money games on how to win it big through contest and math games which is consuming time,money,creating frustrations for me and I have run in scammers. I hve’nt been able to compleatly get rid of the scammers. Anyone interested in catching some professional theaves I can give you the names,phone numbers,tell you about the 4 froud checks I,ve receaved, your welcome to the boxes of mail I,ve received. Think of it as a fun game to play solving a pusel and putting the pieces togeather.Purhapes finding dishonest people and being able to catch them is someone elces Essences. To Be a part of this society I need to get into an active group that meets in San Antonio Tx.computers and spelling are 2 of my greatest weakness, but face to face or in a group I have no problems speaking out.You can call or e-mail me or write when writing have the word society by your address so I don,t through out your corispondance. My time is up. Rose Anne

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One Response to “New Member needs help”
  1. Matthew says:

    Rose Anne, I do not know if you are yet a member of the WWW. Neo-tech society.com or not but there is a area in there where u can find local meetings to be and learn and socialize with other like minded souls.I am quite sure their are many different locations in each state. I hope this helped some. When the C of U comes those scammers will not be able to Neo cheat any of us any more!! May divine love,wealth,and health be eternally yours!!

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