My NEO Journal
February 9, 2018 by Ran
Filed under Integrations
Hello Steve, and/or Mark,
I am glad to have an oppurtunity to “speak” with someone. I received the 3 key text before this past Christmas holiday. I had been looking forward to a relaxing 2 week vacation period of reading several well chosen texts, but then the Superpuzzle trilogy came. I read it in 3 weeks, and the change it brought in my life left me shaking my head in disbelief. I was quite proud of a multi-decade, multi-thousands of books I held in my library – all of which were either philopsophical, religous, and/or spiritual. I was the consummate progressive liberal mystic, and this one book changed all of that. I still can hardly fathon the possibility of that and yet I have begun selling off my library to second hand book dealers, and the change is VERY REAL. Your communications have characterized me as a searcher. Yes, I searched for something in all those texts that I finally, finally found in the Superpuzzle. I have received the one key Neo Think text, but before that came to me I purchased and read 3 Dr. Wallace texts on Neo-Tech. And now I have found this web site before I have even been offerred the 2 key heirloom package or finished reading the one key text — So I may be ahead of myself here, but when I am determined about something, NOTHING is going to stop me.
My Friday night essence unmistakably came to me while reading the 3 key text. I have on numerous occasions began writing. I had written short stories, essays, and got 100,000 words into a novel, but I allowed myself to become discouraged. I am 65 years old and still working and receiving Social Security. I do not work for a business enterprise seeking profits. I work for a City Government, but I had (years ago) undertaken to integrate all that could be integrated in my work and rose to a high level position of responsibility. I now have many perk,s and a great “allbeit” salary (now further supplemented by SS). I don’t subscribe to retirement (didn’t even before NEOTHINK), and as a consequence to the integrations that came to me from the 3 key book, I sought to enroll myself in an online college to gain a degree in creative writing (I thought that would bolster the lack of confidence that caused to give up writing previously). That notion lasted for 2 weeks when I realized I was far too motivated to believe playing a “professor’s” game of jump hoops was what I needed, and so I designed and set up my curriculum upon my understanding of the mini-day concept (gathered from the 3 key book). I started doing, what I have now read in the 1 key book, Jack London did.
My question at this point in my journey is; I figure to need about 3 weeks to complete reading the one key book and I look forward to receiving the 2 key book afterwards. Please tell me that I can, nonetheless move forward with these monthly mentoring lessons even though I am not caught up to the required reading.
I want to add, that I have always recalled from some time ago, how long ago I cannot even recall, that read a text on NEO-CHEATERS — it too was a Dr. Wallace text. I no longer have it and it cannot be found — the concept never left me, but the integration of all that first text implied did not previously sink in.