Sunday, March 9, 2025

My Level 1 Integration

March 31, 2021 by Dennis  
Filed under Integrations

I am very encouraged and excited by what I’ve learned here in my first meeting. I believe the answers to many of life’s most difficult puzzles and challenges lie in my own heart; I just had to arrive at a point where I could trust it over my decades of seemingly endless searching through heaps of hollow promises and the delusions of external authorities. I know now that I can trust my beginnings to which I have been eternally returning and which are my Friday Night Essence . I look forward to spending the next 30 days in further deeper study of the two visions recommended by Mark and to joining you in the next 11 months!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

8 Responses to “My Level 1 Integration”
  1. Melinda Ann Hunt says:

    Hello Mr.Hamilton!
    I understand that you find success by doing whatever you love to do. Good place to

    I have made a discovery about our physical universe that is unknown. By accident.
    It’s thrilling, but I don’t know how to proceed with it. It might be better off
    secret. Melinda Hunt

  2. Hi Steve,

    I joined the Thursday night FNE meeting with mentor Charlie Moore and Coordinator Juanita Heckel on December 3rd as a member of the League! I have been using my child of the past since I joined the meetings and have not missed a meeting!

    My child of the past has been with me during my 58 years as a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer with a degree in Chemistry from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology in Rapid City, South Dakota in 1967! My career started, like Dr. Wallace with E. I. DuPont from 1967 to 1973 at the Brevard, N. C. Photo Products Division Plant, where I moved from the Quality Control Laboratory to the Data Processing Department in 1969! My career included Blue Cross Blue Shield in Burnsville Minnesota and Control Data Corporation in Bloomington, Minnesota, and Dats Processing Manager in Waseca, Minnesota! I moved to Denver, Colorado in 1977 and worked in Quality Assurance for Software Engineering Corooration during Y2K and then Storage Technology Corporation in Louisville, Colorado from 1980 until 1996 when I went to Scottrade, Inc for 12 years culminating my 58 year career in 2018!

    Customer Service is my FNE along with Sci Fi and working with team organizations! I have been reading Dr. Wallace’s Neo-Tech Key 1, 2, and 3 manuscripts and Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Key 1, 2, and 3 manuscripts! My latest book was Mark Hamilton’s Forbidden Revelations which I have read and now starting the secret meeting!

    I am a contributing columnist in the monthly newsletter at Charlie Moore’s request and have a monthly column entitled “Golden Nuggets!” Read and enjoy, and “Happy Trails Until We Meet Again!”

  3. Susan says:

    Aloha, Steve! I already wrote in my Level 1 meeting response but as I am new to this site I am not even sure under what section I entered my text. I am looking forward to working with you as my mentor and will be needing help in designing my business to reflect the NeoTech’s model with each employee being able to become a value creator.

    I will be exploing the Active Neothink member’s website and hope to hear back from you in the future.

  4. David S Lawrence says:

    Hi Steve, and thanks for being there as well as Mark Hamilton to share ideas with me. Another point intended but omitted absent-mindedly from my Level One response was a phrase from the ITS meeting just after my reading of the level One meeting: a participant’s thought that “death is just a coffee break.” It helped brace my response to Charlie Moore’s passing. Also amusing in that I’m currently quite entangled in that habit-forming but non-addictive substance (coffee is obsessional but creates no insatiable craving).
    I invite comment on how I may more clearly discover and articulate a “Friday Night Essence” than I seem able to do in my level one “integration.” My personal investment management business is plausibly derided by a lawyer cousin (and good friend) as “parasitic,” though like my studies in nutritional health and natural healing it could perhaps add Value in the context of a publishable autobiographical sketch. Searching my pre-adult life, I learned to love music but had neither talent nor ambition toward professionalism in the field. My practical secular interest was mathematics but such talents as I had were frustrated. As a “young man’s game,” I have by now “been there, done that,” having left academia with a “terminal Master’s degree” (plus publication — and knowing that most PhD’s in that subject publish no original research beyond their dissertation).
    My overarching interest from my tweens was philosophy and comparative religion or “spirituality.” But my studies therein were all extracurricular and when I left mathematics I chose as carefully as I could between naturopathy and law. After law school I emphasized political and pro bono or “low bono” work. (My clinic at CUNY School of Law had been International Women’s Human Rights — now called “Gender Equity” — but I found very little opportunity to apply it directly.) In 2019 I officially retired from my law license for remunerative practice (I can still law-fully do pro bono [free] practice). That is how I have been left in my age 76 “seniority” to struggle with my health issues and finances as described in my Level One response. The foregoing is the best foundation I can think of providing you to
    respond to my invitation to comment on my effort to discover and articulate my “Friday Night Essence.” Thanks Steve, for your attention to the matter.

  5. Patrick Bakaysa says:

    Hi Steve,

    I need help with some of the technical issue using the sites. I have purchased several added products and haven’t received any guidance on how to and when to log on.

    I saw the first meeting twice is it an archive and when do I attend the 2nd meeting?

    Any help would be Much Appreciated.

    Thank You
    Patrick Bakaysa

  6. Richard Belliveau says:

    It would not take my first response to level 1. Something with the CAPTCHA?

    ANYWAY, enjoyed the meeting.

    Does NEOTHINK involve the law of attraction?

    I would think so as EVERYTHING starts with a thought.

    Integrated thinking,if listening to the right people, like members here, should be easily accomplished with practice and developing new neuro pathways.

    Im excited about the mini days and applying physical movements to time, not tasks to time.

    On my 3rd book now and loving it!!

    I feel we need to look through external appearances into the ESSENCE OF THINGS like written about in manuscript 1 with Ms. Annabel….this allows us or leads to integrated thinking.

    I’m ready to PLAY and am already enjoying my life after some bad decisions.

    Thanks for all you do. Much appreciated

  7. Steve Rapella says:

    Patrick, so so sorry this did not reach me sooner. We are as I type this making ALL your meetings, 1-12 available at one time so you can have access to all whenever you choose. I will personally reach out to you when this has been completed

  8. Steve Rapella says:

    So sorry for the delayed response to your response. Hey David reach out to me whenever and I will try and help in any way I can

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