Moving Foward
January 27, 2011 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Mr.Hamilton, I would first of all like to thank you for reaching me with your information and for all that you do. I’m so excited to finally start with the meetings. I say that, because I believe I fell through a crack in the system. I received my first two books without delay. Then, for some reason or the other, that was it…After finally reaching a few great people on teleseminars and checking and rechecking my account statis with Neothink, my account was recognized. It has been over one year. I am not saying this as a negative, but as a huge positive to Neothink and to what I have read and understood. I do, however, apparently need a third book. I’m looking foward to it and my second meeting.
Have your ordered your 3rd book. I not sure if you have or not. If not let me know and I can help you receive it. In the meantime would you like to meet other member in your area, if so let me know and where do you live.