Tuesday, March 18, 2025


August 21, 2016 by Layne Six  
Filed under Integrations

I would like to start with telling you about my time sense the last time I was here. I am retaking the meetings. It all started when I had a problem with my computer. It would not play the viedos. They would stop all the time. I finally bought a new computer when the tech said it’s as good as it is going to get.
Then I was told that I have cancer. I have been under going treatments for that. I am feeling better now. I want to get back into my .journy into value creation. I did not get through all of the lessons the first time. I am retaking the lessons I did before. Than I will continue with the remainder of the lessons.
The question that I have is; I cannot find this page on my new computer, how can I logon with my new computer?

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