Monday, March 10, 2025

Making money with out following the anti-societies means of cash.

September 26, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

I have found that the traditional way of making money is to give a value to your good or service. I have a diffrent way that I want life, the thing is most want it, but few seem to be willing to try. I believe that honest value should come from a type of barter, with money. The idea is, is my money more or less valuable than your item or is the reason you need the said item a higher value? I have made this work with honest people, and it works both ways, but as a general way of operating, most are dishonest and try to use this approach to their advantage. I could use help perfecting my “Honest Libra Sales Approach.” I have it written out. I have several values I create and LOVE, it has seemed though that anytime I do what my Friday night essence is…I make less, or nothing…because I am happy in any level I am in, but $ will allow me to have the use of that tool to improve my values. Through my entire life, I can be happy in the worst situation, and those I love seem to have SERIOUS problems with that. How can I in my method, sell my values of encouragment and much more.
“Forge Forward, Value Onward, Fiction to Reality”
“Believe YOUR Dream, Dream YOUR Belief, Create YOUR Dream, Believe YOU Create.”
I long to work with others and grow, so far the few I work with seem to subconsiously hold us both back and set limitations… I’m not an ass about it, but I feel no one understands me…and I work well with others, but when I start to Lead and have some succes, I feel it a conspiracy to ot allow that, this may just be in my head but…honestly befor the letters, I felt/feel alone…and reading Marks books…I had these SAME concepts (diffrent, but in my own way, closest I have ever heard.) I am happy, as I feel it is a choice, and I am succesful, but I would truly like it to be shown to this society I feel I am a moment away from drowning in…I follow my instincts, and my instincts say KEEP GOING, YOURE ON THE RIGHT TRACK…but as this happens…I feel further and further from “life.” I miss my kids and honestly, if I can’t have them and be wealthy…I’d rather not be in this reality. I turn 27 on Mon. the plan is to see my kids then…

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Making money with out following the anti-societies means of cash.”
  1. Yes my question to u would be how do u create capital when your bills takes all the monet u make to pay them every month I have nothing left over n no credit so how can I generate enough capital to start my friday night essents

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