Saturday, March 1, 2025


March 6, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

I am trying to figure out where I fit into all of this. I’m 63 years old, married 41 years, father of five children, grandfather of 13 grandchildren, college educated, and self-employed, doing what I love to do for a living. I have always been an integrated thinker, by necessity,(creative) because there is no one else to figure out solutions to problems that pop up from time to time. In farming, I must coordinate (integrate) raising crops and livestock with fertilize, seed, feed, and equipment suppliers. I never get stagnant (bored) because there are always a variety of things that need to be done, such as, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, technical, and structural. I power-think almost all the time as I plan for the next day, week, etc. By living where I work there is no escaping planning ahead and I wouldn’t want it any other way. As I read through the heirlooms, I couldn’t help but think; what is new about this way of thinking? I don’t want to sound pious, but just being honest. However, I am always looking for ways to improve and that is what I am looking for in Neothink.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Lucky”
  1. John says:

    Larry … I’m a newbie here like you, just a few years your junior. I wish you lived nearby! You sound like the type of person I could learn a lot from! Neothink is most exciting when applied to what you don’t know. Gaining insights and making new connections and integrations on what we don’t know that’s what keeps life exciting.

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