Love every minute
March 16, 2015 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
I have lost family and friends to disease and aging. Most recently a grandmother who told me I could be anything I wanted to be, and my loving husband CJ who died of metastatic Thyroid Cancer. I live for my little man who is 6 and my mom who is going blind from macular degeneration. I worked as a nurse for 20 years, and massage therapy for 6. I then retreated to working a bait and tackle shop for $6 and hour, I couldn’t take the pain anymore of watching people die, I worked hematology and oncology. I want all diseases eradicated. I have had diabetes since age 9 on insulin chicken pox, or my immune system reacted to it killed my islet cells. THANK YOU MARK HAMILTON FOR SHOWING ME WHAT I BELIEVE IS TRUE GOV HAS CRUSHED OUR CURES, AND POLITICS ARE EVIL, BLOODSUCKING WRETCHES. I have never had support for what i truly love, writing and sketching. However, when I showed some people my writing and sketches, that changed and gave me hope along with the visions of what i am hearing and feeling that stem cells, e. coli used to make insulin, and viral HIV and cold can be used to attack foreign matter, CA, and can be used to grow new organs, bodies, TVP cant come fast enough to release the geniuses of society. I see and feel what can happen in the medical and hopefully can throw out some ideas in their direction. I would love to write about the cause. Design my own house, boat, car, where a person could never get hurt. I loved the Ms. Annabelle and the way things had changed. A bracelet that would raise the swimmer out of the water. Looking to start my own business with a metal work called Plasma Cam and put in my art on the computer and build and design nature to modern art. So many creative ideas and so graciously overwhelmed. I like to see what is done and then suggest using a different approach, or one that may have less of an ill impact. Sorry flight of ideas, and can focus when needed. Quarks building blocks of all, all energy, we are, will return to energy without limits. When immortal can travel the stars and universe to see other Citizens of Universe. We are a part of everyone and everything. We feel deeper than most, to our consciousness and soul or being if u will. Worm holes, time travel, essesnces of all. Light ways around physical laws, all coming to focus but blurry right now. Three major topics, Medical, Universe, Godman, Writing, Drawing. Need to write down ideas to create values protect most precious thin
g, the consicous integrating mind. ? How make money from ideas, art, writing, and input to help others achieve, like my bosses ver nice grew up in depression era, told needed to make more covered storage and advertise for increased business and profit. Too far out now with them building new house and not getting right people for job. Cost> than should be still not completing what should be done a year ago. Feel sorry for those who don’t take initiative and will be stuck in the mud instead of soaring in their business. Like me and $6 for job. Can’t help those who won’t help themselves. No money to invest so I can buy machinery to make art and values. Working on that problem. Sorry so long in getting to 1st Meeting, have had flu and pneumonia. 48 today, still a babe I can see eternity. Thank You Mark, even if not real name, like you said in last book hope we meet someday and blast this out of the water TVP and value creation, and ooh wow the integrating puzzles locking together and forming universe upon universe, getting the universe of medical, universe of safety, the universe where we no longer need a physical body even unless we wanted it to travel the cosmos and make happen with only the mind. I am honored and pleased to have been selected for this opportunity may I live up to my expectations and never give up creating, then money will follow.