Sunday, March 9, 2025

Looking Forward to Improving

June 21, 2019 by Phylicia  
Filed under Integrations

I just finished the first meeting and I’m a few chapters into the third heirloom package and I’ve very hopeful. I was invited to join Neothink 7 years ago and I threw the information away. I thought it was too good to be true. I had hit a low point in my life where I had just lost my job and apartment and started a new questionable relationship and the last thing I felt like I needed was some society that could potential drain the little resources I had left. I regretted that decision. Frequently, throughout the last 7 years I thought about the society and how my life might have been different now, if I had said yes. My income plummeted, I remained homeless, I gained 200 lbs, my relationship is still fraught with issues. I told myself if the opportunity ever presented itself again I would say yes and a few months ago it did. I don’t know why I was chosen twice. Perhaps I appeared on two relevant mailing lists, but I’m glad I did. I am most excited right now about finding my Friday Night Essence. I do believe I have more than one, one business related (as I own a few online stores) and one entertainment and dance related. I have loved dance my whole life. My family says I learned to dance before I learned to walk, but as my weight approaches 400 lbs, dancing has become increasing harder to do and visualize. I’m pretty embarrassed to even be seen in public, and diet after diet after diet has failed. My doctor said its stress related weight gain as it is not accompanied by any of the health conditions that are associated with morbid obesity. No high blood pressure, diabetes, nor restricted movement. I could use more energy though, and I don’t want to miss my window for a husband and kids. I’m pushing it at 33 years old. So I need change and a reduction of stress and just knowing that there is a parallel society that would do away with a lot of the causes of that stress is a amazing. I’ve started working on a mini-day schedule. I’m still working out the kinks. I have a tendency to consider projects movements. I’d appreciate having a mentor maybe look at my mini day schedule and help me break it down further. Thank you!

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One Response to “Looking Forward to Improving”
  1. Hi: Steve, My name is Charles. I am still wondering how this is going to work for me? I have not had a lot of time to read a lot in all of the books. I am a slow reader. I am still reading as much as possible!! It is hard to work and read with all my pain that I deal with daily. When do I find out about the first meting , and where it is going to be held. I don”t want to miss it? Thanks for Your Help.
    Charlea Hammack

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