Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Looking for pieces to the puzzle

August 24, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

Thanks for taking your time to prepare this opportunity to move forward in life. I have always played and have chosen to be happy and have a great attitude in life. Though I can say I do not feel I have been rewarded with my efforts working as a value producer in this life so far. I am now 55 and have found it hard to find a position that uses my knowledge and experience to help a company move forward. In fact, it seems I have moved backwards from director, supervisor and manager to a produce clerk in a grocery store. I still am a happy person and actually enjoy the work I do. However, I feel incomplete and disjointed. Very limited in creating much in the job I have, except for my ability to provide exceptional customer service.
Since a child, I have always been involved with sports and recreation. That was my degree in college as well. I have always dreamed of having a Center for sports and recreation that would teach life skills to the youth and continued enjoyment and the striving for excellence for those that are older. Learning through play. I am a very good coach, referee and umpire and have done so at national levels. As a matter of fact, umpiring has become a passion for me – especially the girls fast pitch programs. This brings great pleasure and feeling of accomplishment for doing my job as an umpire well and providing a fair playing field for all those who participate. It is like I am still playing, only my team doesn’t care who wins the game, just that it was the team that deserved to win.
I feel disjointed, because though this is what I really have a passion for, I am having a hard time with finding a vision of where I should go with this and any puzzle pieces to put in place. Your comments regarding sports as not a true arena to find happiness has confused my thoughts and logic regarding my passion. I have spent countless hours of study and practice to be the best I can be and now feel as it is for naught.
Do I continue with what I feel to be my essence in creating a fair playing field and not worrying about reward or do I give it up and hope something else will come out of our next year of training together.
I know I have a lot to offer, I just wonder if I am misguiding myself and keeping the potential from being unlocked.
If I set down a goal at this time it would be to begin an “Academy of Excellence through Sports and ReCREATION”. I am just not sure where to begin.
I have the patience. Do I have a valuable goal?
Best Regards,

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