Monday, March 10, 2025

level one meeting

January 18, 2021 by Joyce  
Filed under Integrations

Mr Hamilton, I understand the concept but am having difficulty getting started. I am not as healthy as I would like to be and my eye sight has been giving me problems, slowing down my reading of the manuscripts. I am hoping to get help with my eyes this month. I am really dismayed about this because I am afraid of falling behind. I keep reading until I can’t see any more, it is hard to put the book down. Unfortunately I have little choice. I am making a strong effort to keep up. I do not want to miss anything. It is so exciting to read, learn. I know it will open me up to the Neothink way of life. My question is how do I create values, I am no longer in the work force? I am not sure what to do.
Thank you for choosing and giving me the opportunity to become a member.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “level one meeting”
  1. Nicki says:

    Hi Mark, I hope you are having a wonderful day. From all the letters I received, it sounded like you had a very important job for me that would also help mankind. I have always pictured things in my mind, be it a dress I wanted to make or a quilt I wanted to make. I recently made a quilt for my new great grandson. I wonder what my true Friday Night Essence is ? Why do I feel I have something blocking me from figuring it out ?

  2. David Gray says:

    Mr HamiltonI am 70 years old, but do not believe that I am too old to learn. I was a self employed finish carpenter with people that worked for me. When the economy took a turn in 2009 I lost everything and had to sell most of what I own. I did not let that stop me. I kept the business going but could not recover. The many companies and architects I work for lost too many clients that they had no business or were doing business with lower price companies and I was out of  work. When I tried to just get work for myself no one would hire me because of my age. They did not say that directly but never got calls back. I am a self starter. Since I have gotten out of the Air Force I did not want to work for anyone, but I needed to until I had money to start my own business. I work on this 7 days a week because I knew it would not be easy to succeed unless I did it myself. After a divorce which I lost everything, I did restart my life once again. I do have a drive and I do not believe I am too old to succeed. I turned into an inventor, I work on my inventions 7 days a week. I have written a book in which I have not gotten published yet. But I will not stop tryingI have read all the first three books. I do believe you are right about the government being overbearing and keeping themselves as God. I do believe that we should have honest people protecting us, which they are not doing. We need a third party who are honest, but we need to start in schools to teach children how to be more than they are. I always thought that somehow teach The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill in the last two years so those students would be prepared to face the world. I believe that if we could teach the children what  Annabelle’s teachings were.My question is; How are you going to get 51% of Amercans to see the light of how bad the government is and how are you going to change their minds to see that they are in an anticivilization?I have found my Friday-Night Essence which I work on 7 days a week. I decided that the world needed a motor that does not use gas or you have to plug in to keep your car going. I do know how this works. Right now I am slowed down because of money right now and I believe that you can show me what I am missing to turn this around

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