Friday, March 7, 2025

Level One Integration

March 25, 2019 by Kevin  
Filed under Integrations

I’m feeling just a tad overwhelmed, The day i received access to this site to attend my Level-one meeting, my computer quit sending sound. No website I could access would allow me to hear any sound, voice, etc.!!! Nothing..!!! Unfortunately it took me a couple weeks to determine and fix the cause of the problem. Now that it works as it should, I finally returned to the website here and completed Level-one..!!! Yay… However, I’m still feeling a bit overwhelmed, and behind. So much information to absorb. It;s all so interesting and so much of it is so new to me. I’m still absorbing everything, as I imagine I will be doing for quite some time. In the accompanying letters I was given which days to attend, but only that I should attend on Thursdays, however, not which Thursday of the month, If it matters, and also to attend at a specific time, i.e. 8PM EDT which would be 5PM PDT for me. I’m not sure that I’ll be able to be able to strictly follow these times, at all times. Also I’m not sure, whether the Thursday meetings are the same as these “Secret Meetings” I just attended. Sorry, I’m feeling a little confused. Some of the information I’ve gotten in letters that accompanied the manuscripts seemed to me to be contradictory, at least to my uninitiated mind. I feel I’m slowly getting some of this information, then sometimes I feel confused. All these manuscripts came upon me rather fast, and frankly, I haven’t had the time to read all of this that I’d like to have had. It’s currently a very busy time for me right now and I’ve had difficulty dedicating enough time to it all. Honestly, I’m way behind, in my estimation. I continue to endeavor to work thru the manuscripts, and truly appreciate your direction where to concentrate some focus in specific areas of the manuscripts to reread, or even read, as I’ve yet to traverse some certain areas you’ve covered even in Level-one.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “Level One Integration”
  1. Carol Raper says:

    I am viewing my level one mentoring meeting on my Kindle Fire and it is difficult for me to both hear and interact. I have read all the of Neothink volumes I, II, and III. I’ve spent two months chasing the rainbow to no avail and realized I was riding a dead horse. I’ve dismounted the dead bicameral horse, and identified my Friday Night Essence and am in the process of beginning to develop a business on the web. I have brief glimpses of puzzle pieces snapping together followed by feelings of surprise and pleasure. However, those feelings are brief and I sink back into anxious moments as expenses far surpass my income. I have plunged forward anyway. I know what I want to accomplish but not certain of just where to go to seek the answers I need. I’m feeling my way in the dark. I keep hoping that I will see myself greatly changed for the better in one year but right now I’m mostly experiencing bouts of anxiety and depression as I worry about paying next month’s expenses. Is this rocky journey normal or am I still one of the lost sheep?

  2. Carol Raper says:

    I recently received a fourth book, Forbidden Revelation. Shortly after I received another letter informing me that I am now ready to join The League which includes a volume of the teachings Mark Hamilton learned from his teacher. That volume will coincide with weekly interactive meetings. Are these meetings the same as the meeting site or is this a different meeting altogether?

    Second question. Where will I see a response to my level one integration questions and where will I learn about Level two mentoring meeting time and date?

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