Saturday, March 22, 2025

Level One Initial Meeting

June 9, 2016 by Ty H.  
Filed under Integrations

First let me start by personally thanking Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society for this more than exclusive opportunity to join the most brilliant, pure love, wealthy individuals in the world. This is not an opportunity taken for granted and I more than plan to contribute at high levels in the time to come. Just be reading the Three Heirlooms provided I feel that I have been enlightened and understand exactly why I am at the point in life I am, and it is to become great and contribute great value creations.


1) Since my first heirloom I have been continuously thinking of values to bring to the world (and have been keeping note of them). The problem I do not know how to get them to the world. I know it will be ultimately through business, but is this something I should wait for more advice on?

2) In regards to Friday Night Essence (which I have more than one) I know it is mentioned that it should not be entertainment. I frequently visit the casino and more than enjoy my time there as I love the challenge and trying to figure out strategy (I do not like to call it gambling). Is this okay?

3) I know integrated thinking is extremely important in building value creation. I feel at times it is easy to find common denominators and sometimes its more difficult to find these common denominators. Do you have any tips for Level-Ones?

4) Finally (for now) I am fascinated with trying to get better at 15 second miracles. Would you have tips for Level-Ones for this as well?

Again thanks for allowing me this opportunity and I look forward to our future meetings!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Level One Initial Meeting”
  1. Charles Sawyer says:

    how do I get to level 2?

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