Level One comments
June 21, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
I am new to the computer use. So, I may not be able to quickly respond.
Meeting Comments for Mark Hamilton Meeting Level 01
June 21, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
I am new to the computer use. So, I may not be able to quickly respond.
I am 79 years young and Would like to know How I can be of help to the Neothink?
I am amazed by 1st vision i hope to be able to learn it all. any help on getting it Would be Welcome!
I find it tragic that society has always believed the illusions of government, religion, the establishment–the lies that have controlled people for 3,000 years. I was caught up in the lies, also. Until the Neo-tech Society contacted me. If the society of the masses has never been aware of the illusions, are they to be blamed for the continuation of the illusions? The society of the masses has been forced to believe that “civilization” cannot exist without those external forces. I see the truth as–the anticivilization will cease to exist when we finally all become self-leaders. We will live in the civilization of the universe when government, religion, the establishment no longer exist. I look forward to that day. The Neo-tech Society has exposed the truth. There is no turning back from the truth, the “what is”. We shall have our C of U. That is not an illusion.