Monday, March 10, 2025

Level One comments

December 10, 2020 by Anestoria  
Filed under Integrations

I am not sure at this time what my Friday night Essence is, however I do know that I am fired up and exited to add value to the human society through my creativity. Thank you for selecting me to be a part of your group. As I read the books, I feel that you are not only talking to me but also encouraging me to live the life that my parents sought to instill in my siblings and I. They did not know about your teachings but I am certain that my father had insights into the things that you write about. hey he might have read your book somewhere on his travels but did not know how to teach us what he had read. He is no longer with us, so I cannot ask but I feel renewed and energised by the Heirlooms. Thank you again and I will be soaking up all to become a better value creator in my community and by so doing become the servant leader that you refer to in your writings.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Level One comments”
  1. Linda says:

    I just went through Level One and the questions and answers that were brought up were great! I think I had read that even though you are homeless, you can still do this. Is that true? I am not homeless, but I was wondering.

  2. Latanya Fortune says:

    My name is latanya fortune . Thank u very much much for this Exciting journey with you and I am just thrilled to experience this Mental and emotionally as well as physical change within myself. I am 43 years old an i have been playing all my life an really just never understood why m i aging day by day but i have the heart an mental state of mind as a 5 year old,, i love to play all day an i enjoy playing Actually iam like a adult child but because of my childish but responsible ways help me to enjoy what i do when i do it. Life is good an beautiful but its because i see life as my personal play ground .. thank u again mark Hamilton..

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