Monday, March 10, 2025

Level l Integrations

July 3, 2017 by Frances C.  
Filed under Integrations

I am delighted to begin this awesome journey, I am still working on my Friday Night Essence, I have tried to start an online business. However I have had problems with this as I have not yet gotten the feel for it or having my heart in it. I do love the idea of the child within and keep a photo by my computer for inspiration. I will soon have a copy of Alexander Hamilton’s Banking plan that is before Congress now
as the Glass/Stegal Act and is my understanding that China has adopted with great success. I believe that I will benefit greatly from this book.
I need to know more about money it’s applications, the banking systems, investing, and overall management of money (not just the greed part).

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Level l Integrations”
  1. Brian Marcks says:

    I am a retired Scientist(biologist) 76 yrs. old. My Friday Night essence is Science, but more specifically life extension at this stage in my life, as mortality is likely to do me in unless I do something to achieve immortality. I do all the normal anti-aging things such as good diet, excersize, adequate sleep and stress reduction, reading all the latest research on life extension, and now, practicing value creation of life extension by working (and playing) on myself mainly.

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