Friday, March 7, 2025

Level 1 first meeting taped w Hamilton

July 14, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

Great balls of Fire!! Holy Smolly. I am so grateful to be here now and be in the society and under Mr Mark Hamilton. I hadn’t even got past the first 100 pages in my heirloom manuscript 1 bk 1 in manuscript and I was online at ordering whatever ones they had available approx 6 older books from the 80s and 90s but all good. I am reading Neothink World which I carry everywhere I go on the bus to work and am reading it at work on breaks and very very happy with it though its hard in some parts dealing with marketing and not savvy in that area. I then at home each night read in my first manuscript heirloom learning the jargon and concepts and know once am past the first main section will fly thru the remaining books in this manuscript to get into the 2nd large 1200 page manuscript.Annabelle’s secret and her students…I sat thru today at work for an hour then had to do other duties I told my manager I was studying a business course important for my improvement on my job and life and not to be bothered during my lunch hour but wasn’t able to follow up with the step 2 of the process when I came back to do that which is now it wont load up so am doing my integrations now.. I am dumbfounded at this point as am also studying french interactive at home level 1 as I plan to move to Maine and be traveling back and forth to Canada..both to see friends and to develop self employment both in Maine and in Canada selling and using Herbalife products for health and prosperity and will integrate your processes with all I do and all I develop business wise…I don’t have questions other than to re play this first level presentation over a few times and see if the step 2 part post level one wrap up with Rapella, Ginther & Raskin. I want to watch it now my boss is gone for the day and am still here to improve my skills. Oh ya and I got a nice copy of the huge book God-Man and its totally great. I already read about the whole God/Man theory in the Neothink book in the back of the book it gets into it with depth and was really keyed in and totally into all being taught..My background in philosophy and comparative religious studies has me prepared to absorb this part of your system totally completely its just the business wealth aspect am struggling with a little…but all in good time am sure….not much more to say except am excited to study study study Ive cleared my schedule to work days and in eve am studying my French level one and Kevin Trudeau’s concepts on holistic health and organic eating and cleansing and detoxifying our poisoned bodies to get healthy and clear thinking so we can more clearly understand your Neothink Neothink process and the 12 Visions etc..I anxiously humbly await our next meeting and will work on getting hooked up to the society’s private website just want to make sure my email address is going to work when am at work. Can we be hooked up to both websites with more than one email address so I can access when am at work on my work email address and at home with my home email or rather for now at the library when I go there I can pull your websites up on yahoo with my yahoo email..?

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