Monday, March 10, 2025

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December 27, 2018 by Arlene  
Filed under Integrations

Hello to both Mark and Steve. Ehen I was child my grandfathers both showed me the world and how everything in it was integrated. They showed me how by using my imagination I could enter the world of nature through observation. The hands on kind. they taught me how to feel and see and hear everything around me. when I learned to read I was able to graduate to non picture books at a very early age as I was able to visualize what the words on the page were saying. being able to visualize values for me is the easy part. I do that every day as an artist. I am able to power think as you call it every project I do before I actually do the physical mechanics of the project. most of the time if a problem arises or I see a different path evolving I will stop what I am doing re think and move on with the new insights. I am a life long scientist, a life long seeker of knowledge, a person who was taught that we as a species must leave the world around us a better place than it was when we entered it. to this I have always tried to adhere. I revitalize the environment around me making it more friendly to humans and wild life alike. Up until now it has been a hit and miss endeavor. My work with people have been very rocky because I realize that I had been using Neo-think ideas in a real world not interested in change. Your Knowledge and expertise are an eye opener to what I was doing wrong. I really look forward to applying them now. For the environment I am doing much better. My biggest project at the moment is the renovation of our property. We bought it 4 years ago. It had been much abused over the years. I still have much to do but the neighborhood is taking note. I am beginning to see changes in yards and the neighbors are coming by and telling me I have become an inspiration. Many have asked if I do this sort of thing for a living. Up until now I have said no but may be with the Neo think way I could have a rewarding business along these lines. The only thing up until now was how to organize. Your self leader guide has been very helpful. The mini work day has helped me to get my life back here at the house. After a bad bout of shingles back in August I found it very hard to do anything for any length of time. sorting my daily routines into time slots has been a blessing. listing everything that I want to accomplish for the month of December gave me a reason for motivation. in the first week I was able to complete more than half. Our weather has kept me from finishing the ones outside. I like this. My wanting to read 100 pages a day has been downgraded to a more reasonable 30 pages of Neo-think. This is so I can spend more time on each topic. I have reached page 341 {see the future} ,page 207 {division of essence} page 689 {putting together the pieces}. My books are becoming hedge hogs of pink, orange, green, and blue.
Now onto a thought of female play and integration. We have our hobbies. Those can be used as teaching tools for our children and grand children. The games we play with them are or can be teaching moments and play that teach them how to think for them selves, By spending time out in nature we can teach them the beauty of the world around them. The Play/knowledge we impart can go a long way in teaching integration, acceptance of that which is not the same as us, using the imagination to see things differently. I totally equate with Miss Annabelle. I had several teachers who went to some lengths to get us to think for ourselves. It is a pity there were so many more that didn’t. I always was an outsider because I have been able to do so. I play I have always done so. My Friday night essence is to create beautiful useful works of art for my family’s and friends use and to be a teacher of diversity, a giver of healing. I am so looking forward to working with everything you can teach me. Thank you from the bottom of my 66 year young heart

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