Wednesday, March 19, 2025

level 1

July 2, 2016 by philip munger  
Filed under Integrations

Hello Mark, I hope this integration takes hold I have lost the last 3 write up’s they just seem to be disappearing as I finish them anyhow keep on trying. I am Looking forward to becoming one of the new immortals actually very excited about learning it… long time thought in my mind also you sparked a new question that don’t leave my mind is your Prime Law Amendment very well written and in my opinion our country needs it to take affect like yesterday before something BAD happens to all of us this world is going stupid anyway in your meeting you were speaking about Friday night essence I believe I found mine my problem is I cannot work I am on disability bought my 3d printer for prototypes almost done with first design to go for build but our problem is we ran out of money to bring it further this product is in the line with life saving products which will BRING in MILLIONS of dollars when it goes to market my problem is the clock is ticking before someone else figures out what I am doing secrets are hard to be kept a secret rite now only 2 people know about it till sales time talk to you soon I hope Philip M.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

3 Responses to “level 1”
  1. Roger Harding says:

    I lost my Friday-nite-essence when I retired 34 years ago; I really enjoyed my job. l enjoyed life when l was building a new house plus a few years after, but now I cannot physically do things I used to do. What can Ido to get a Friday-nite-essence?

  2. I was wanting to make a comment on Phillip Monger’s comment concerning THE PRIME LAW. I will be SO HAPPY WHEN THIS BECOMES THE LAW…. DO I REALLY NEED TO SAY MORE? LOL

  3. Rashell Johnson says:

    My question is so I am still at level 1, even though I have read the heirloom package, neothink,neothink, prime cure, (still in prosess) prime discovery alook in process.

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