Level 1
November 3, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
My Friday night essence is my desire to teach myself math through Calculus and then to take the math class I have always wanted to get an A in. I have enrolled in web development school at Penn Fosters because I want to pursue web design. I have had a hell of a night with my insulin pump set failing on me over and over again. I finally get the darn thing in only to have it bleed. I used Reiki on it and the blood evaporated. My set is working, pray it lasts all four days I leave it in. I have type 1 diabetes, hypothyroidism and bipolar. I have always been told I look younger than my age. I’m 33 and my boyfriend thinks I can pass for high school. Good to know. My mannerisms are not of the kids of today though. I went to high school in the 90s. I feel like hell today because my site areas are not healing fast enough for my insulin pump. I can only hope I find more room when I change my infusion set again. I want to get real insurance through Covered California and not stay on SSI. I’m kind of poor but I’m a tutor in English, Spanish, literature and other assorted subjects. That’s my introduction. Oh and I’m also a psychic who keeps trying to find a good mentor because my abilities can get out of control. I suppose Neo think just wanted another psychic if they know that much about me. I have been in a coven and a spiritualist church. I have a BA in creative writing from San Francisco State University, and Two AA degrees. One in creative writing and one in anthropology with honors from Foothill College. I don’t work because of my health problems which are managing themselves. I need to find a job I like though, not a routine type of job. I have a resume for everything I could be doing including sales, and being a legal records clerk. I have a certification in computer service repair among other things. I want to get 100 at Penn Foster and I want 100 on the A + test. I have no idea if that’s possible but that’s how I get a job in computer repair. My parents are preparing to leave the United States by the end of April this year. We are going to Spain and I’m a neurotic wreck about that because of all the self-care involved. Anyway, Neothink is helping me repair my shattered brain because I think I might have OCD. I know I’m bipolar but OCD is newer. I leave you now because I’m truly exhausted from getting up at 530 today with a messed up set. Thanks.
I don’t know where to start because so many amazing and exciting changes have been happening to me and my family, especially since I began the Level 1 meeting. For one thing I experienced a major breakthrough when I discovered my Friday-Night Essence. It’s both interesting and exciting that I have always been a deep thinker and love to determine the mechanism of how and why things occur at the deepest level. I also am drawn to challenging situations and really enjoy working on complex puzzles of seemingly unrelated pieces that can only work if they are in the “right place”. Incidentally, my husband is dyslexic and so he naturally sees the whole picture first and has to work backwards step-by-step. He has always been a creative genius as he can repair almost anything, builds, and creates new projects.
Since Neothink Society contacted me I have had an all-consuming desire not only to help build up others but an urgent sense that I need to do something more to use my gifts in other peoples’ lives. I can think of little else. We have been fortunate to have inherited a house without any mortage payments that is on a large lot and also a $150,000 trust fund. My husband’s greatest desire is to build a dream garage and workshop on our property and now he has the means to do it. I am hoping that our internal desires will propel us into creating values and living out our Friday-Night Essences. My husband just had his dominant hand and wrist surgically repaired and it’s going to take some time to heal. Both of feel like we are in limbo and do not know how to crossover and earn money with our essences. He can’t even work right now. Do you think it may come about soon? I have been studying the Self-Leader System in particular and Visions 1 and 2 in Book 2. I have also been trying to set-up a modified mini-day schedule at work and at home. My overall schedule has changed and I’m getting more organized in the process. There’s alot more that I’ve learned but I guess this isn’ the place to share more. Thank you for your help.
Bonjour, j’ai toujours pensé avoir trouvé mon essence du vendredi soir dans mon travail sur la ferme mais je n’ai pas progressé comme je voulais dans mon métier d’agriculteur.
Quand j’ai lue Neo Tech il y a environ 25 ans, j’ai commencé a faire mon horaire en mini journée qui donne une meilleure efficacité mais qui ne m’a pas donné des résultats a la hauteur de mes espérances et a la suite j’ai manqué de dicipline pour continuer.
C’est dificile pour moi de suivre les conférences en anglais mais je n’ai pas de problème a lire en anglais.
Même si j’aime mon métier j’ai besoin de faire autre chose qui bouge plus rapidement.
J’ai la possibilité de m’associer avec un inventeur qui a des produits incroyable mais avant j’ai besoin de bien comprendre les enseignement de Neothink
[Google Translation: Hello , I always thought I found my Friday night essence of my work on the farm but I have not progressed as I wanted in my career as a farmer .
When I read Neo Tech there about 25 years, I started to make my mini day schedule which gives better efficiency but does not give me the results at the height of my expectations and more I lacked dicipline to continue.
It is dificult for me to follow lectures in English, but I have no problem reading English.
Although I love my job I need to do anything else that moves faster.
I have the opportunity to be associated with an inventor who has incredible products but before I need to understand the teaching Neothink]