Level 01 Meeting – My Response
May 23, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
I want to first thank Mr. Hamilton for selecting me to be a member of this great organization. I was very impressed with my first secret society meeting. I could relate to most questions that were asked and was quite impressed with Mr. Hamilton’s response.
My question for now is “How can I become more involved with the Twelve Visons Party?
Well, Level1 Meeting, the main purpose of our time spent is to play. Essence is made by becoming a player on how we put our time together, including Friday Night Essence.
Level 1 Meeting related to the importance of regaining our ability as adults to engage in playing, to me, this means reinvigorating that child within and creating value be helping others see the anti-civilization for what it is work, or not worth, and at the same time bringing it down