Knowledge, experience, integrations
July 18, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Manifestations I have been creating are quickly coming into the physical world. (I am inclined to believe anyway) Sources in which are becoming more familiar, have lead me back where I need to be – here… Thank you, I look forward to giving, & am excited for our time in the future.
I have something in my experience that the world needs and want to share it. Also being somewhat creative, my Friday-Night Essence has created something that gives me a major rush of excitement. This goes along with my skill, needing assistance with a vision to make this creation come into everyday reality for the masses. Currently awaiting the means to join the discussion board, I will be along shortly. In the mean time, study of your teachings will become priority, I look forward to your acquittance.
Thank you!!