Friday, March 7, 2025


May 30, 2019 by john coll  
Filed under Integrations

I very much look forward to the journey, the adventure exploring new ways of thought. I am in the process of noting my activities on a daily basis to foster my project. I will then categorize based on physical movements.
I am very excited to employ these tools and others as I become more and more familiar with the society. The experience will make me a better person, friend, and husband.
Thank you for allowing me access to this wealth of action tasks.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “Journey”
  1. Jessica Aarons says:

    I have read the first and second manuscript (currently working on the third) and even after re-reading visions one and two of the second manuscript about becoming the person I was meant to be and living the life I was meant to live. I continue to struggle with getting past step one and that is opening the door and discovering my downstream focus. I have a clear understanding of what motivates me but I can’t figure out what attracts me. I have tried doing the exercises mentioned in the visions but nothing comes to mind. I’ve thought countless hours about what brings me joy, I constantly get asked by my sister and parents what makes me happy and I can never give them an answer. Nothing comes to mind and it makes me very emotional and frustrated. Where else can I look to find my true desire and Friday-Night Essence? Thank you

  2. Iam an 87 year old male with current health problems. I have always been a self-leader my entire life. Work has always been “Play” for me. I possess a very high IQ which enables me to be very proficient in many categories. My question now is How can I continue to be productive at my advanced age?

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