Integration / Review Level 1
August 6, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Some of my notes from the meeting as well as MH’s literature that I have:
1. Selfishness – good thing: get away from socialism/collectivist thinking, anti-bicameral mind – “you have a right to disown your guilt: you are a conscious being, evolving ‘light energy‘”
2.Laziness & Dishonesty – leads to mysticism/evil (neo-cheating)
3. Read the literature – develop mini-days
4. Value Creation / Value Production – becoming a Value Creator / study “Friday Night Essence” People get caught in a rut of value production.
5. Neotech/Neothink offers values to ALL of us. The rest “parasites” are a part of the system of Mysticism – destroy/ban “mysticism!” Become a leader – not a follower! I know what’s best for me – no one else! Neotech destroys Mysticism. Integrate honesty, do your creation of values each day, and conquer laziness! Follow “I”-ness not bicameral thinking. I am a value creator not a usurper of others’ values. I am not a parasite and I live forward to destroy Mysticism, rendering neo-cheaters mute and invalid, and believe and live for a best life possible as I see fit – through Neothink – Neotech, integrated thinking and value creation – it’s my life, I make it happen.