Integrated Thinking
December 31, 2014 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Since 2008,attending one of these meetings again was quite refreshing.
Over the years my Friday-Night-Essence stands at Integrated-Thinking,currently at rediscovering the person I’m meant to be. Often going into deep thought of which I’ve come to know it as Power-Thinking. And I enjoy playing at it as I recall playing sometimes over my lifetime. Every morning I get into deep nit-pik detail,using these tools.
Aging and Death. When someone is having so much fun,playing as an adult that they want to live forever,I fully grasp that through someone I knew.
He loved what is now called flipping houses and making new home-owners happy. He also had a profound love for family. By the time he reached 70 he could no longer do the work he loved. Sometimes it can be difficult to talk about it to family so a few times he came to my house to talk about it. He wanted to continue his work. What still touches me even now is at the end he was reaching out to me as an expression that he doesn’t want to go. Even now that still gets to me. For the love of family and his work, having fun, he wanted immortality. As a religious man that he was,he had his “Heaven-on-Earth.”