Integations and questions
June 12, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Mr. Hamilton, I am very pleased to have received the information you have given me and am very thankful.
There is one major concern that is important to both of us and it is an issue that is my fault. I flew head first into my Friday-night essence without becoming financially secure and had to move right after sending my payment for miss Annabelles secrets and belive my ex-roomates received it and never told me. i need to know where i can go to send you my new address since i have just sent payment for Neo-Tech Pax and dont want the same thing to happen again. Im also willing to purchase the third heirloom again soon when financilly stable.
Now I will state what i have been working on. When i started Neothink i was in just one band as a guitarist but then through the idea I would be able to handle it I stated working with two more projects. One of those projects fell apart but the issue is I thought i could make a living off of music within a month but as a result put myself in massive debt and must now work two jobs to keep from getting sued by my ex-roomate, I am not at all blaming you. I realize my actions were illogical and I must now pay the price.
What I have realized recently with the two bands Im in i have very little input in the music and have realized I must do my own thing as well. To take over the other bands would be immoral and counter productive. My question with this is with my own project I am wanting to sing and play guitar. The issue is that the lyrics will be very politically charged. It will be sort of a musical Glen Beck in a sense. I am willing to spit in the faces of the hypocritical Neocheaters and make a living at it. Im not asking for permission but your insight on this project. Im not saying Im going to just give away our secrets but help adjust my warped generation to the Neothink world by beautiful music. Kind of like the opposite of the Catholic churches method for centuries against them and the political Neocheaters.