Monday, March 10, 2025

Improved Thinking

January 21, 2021 by Lotus  
Filed under Integrations

Regarding Package Number 2, During Level One Meeting – I experienced my Thinking Improved after finishing Level One Meeting. I have loved my job immensely, and never complained of how many hours I put into it! Today, during the Level One Meeting, I had two AHA! moments One was the unchanging and permanent nature of the Fundamental Nature of something that after Fathoming myself, there was something about me that reached the Point of No Return. Something that didn’t change anymore gave me an understanding of whose depth, was impeccable! It was flawlessly “mine” and is now A much more Treasured Self/self!. Thank you! This is Grace! Thank you Mark! My thinking was improved twice during Level One Meeting! I am thrilled!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

8 Responses to “Improved Thinking”
  1. Lotus says:

    I just finished reviewing Meeting Level One with Mark! It is 6:48 AM EST USA!
    I feel I just got a WIN! When I wake up in the morning I rejoice that it is a New Day, that I am alive and well, and I Praise The Lord, who I call my Maker! I am thrilled as I face my day! I am very happy that The Society found me! Thank you! To me I really am WINNING in my life, otherwise this opportunity will not happen for me! To me it is Eureka to have been found by The Society! My first WIN was When I had my First Initiation in my Physical Form in this lifetime, Easter Sunday, 1976 in 8 Kinds of Yoga, which included Practical Yoga Philosophy under a Hindu Guru. The Second WIN, was when I was Visited by Lord Shiva, a member of the Hindu Trinity in person on December 13, 1984. My Third WIN, was when The Society wrote to me! That Letter was Heaven sent! Thank you, God! I was correct, who knows in what Shape, Size, or Form God will walk into my life? That day, The Society’s letter just walked into my life informing me of their choice to have me join The Society! The Fourth WIN is today! I just Saw and Heard who and what Mark Hamilton is! What a WIN! Now, I have met my Mentor! I have always wanted to be a Perfected Being in Business! My Business is my Spiritual Business,! To me all Businesses, are Businesses! It is up to me to be what I can be and want to be as a Spiritual Business. I say I WANT TO BE A SPIRITUAL TITAN as a Perfected Woman!. I feel I have everything working for me, I have depth in my spirituality, I have a great Son, I feel stable and happy, however, I lack two things: One is I do not have money. I mean, I support my own Spiritual Business with my Income, which is not enough, to cover my Spiritual bills and very basic personal and family needs!. Number two that I do not have, a Lovelife with a Significant other. I am three times divorced. I am very lucky to meet a total of 8 different Asian Masters in my life, I am now 75 years old, very lucky, as far as I am concerned, with these Godmen from the East, however, not with a Significant other or with my 3 marriages! I have never been lucky with Loving a Mortal Man, and my three marriages which needed a lot of work on my part since my ex-husbands were not cooperative, in my opinion. These two things I have already accepted as inevitable.
    When I received the letter of The Society, I knelt down and I said, “Lord, My Maker, Thank you for This Descent of Grace to me and into my household! I Glorify loving you with my Absolute Might and this is Humongous Grace, God! I am Beside myself with Tremendous Delight and Joyful Bliss! My whole Household thanks you, my whole Family, my Beloved Son Krishna Yama and as for me Lord, I am Forever Indebted to You, Oh Chief Among The Generous.! AMEN!”

    Thank you, Mark Hamilton, Revered Sir! I am having a replicate of my Experiences with My Inner Self and myself while listening to the Level One Meeting with you! Today, the Second Time I listened to your Teaching of Level One meeting, I met you! Thank you! I am honored to have you as my Mentor, and I Know that with your Meetings, I Found The Way to include Money and Love with a Significant Other in my
    Beautiful Life! Yes! I am Open to those two now, and, I know we are a Good Fit as Mentor and Mentee! Thank you for having me as a Mentee! My Gratitude knows no Bounds! Namaste! Lotus N Gates, Airmont, New York

  2. Hello, My Mentor,
    I always considered Life is a Game where I can Play, and found the Entire Creation, my Playground! Yes! I like and enjoy playing! I am ready to play some more and be all Inclusive! Including Money and Significant Other, Yes! I like what I am doing here in The Society! I like this Bigger Game! I did all my Spiritual Work for over 62 years, I know I am qualified to include Money and a Significant other in my Pizza Pie! Come to think of it, I have left those two Spaces in my life vacant for the Pursuit of Spiritual Excellence! I am Joyfully Delighted! Thank you! Many, Many Thank yous! I found Two More Beautiful Lights in my life, money and a Significant other, to be Priceless’s addition to the life I have revered for many, many years now!

    I would like to acknowledge you, My Mentor, for speaking in a Language that managed to reach my Listening! At first, I found your ideas Interesting and Captivating, which I am quite accustomed to with Eastern Godmen! Thank you Mark, today, I got very, very interested! I am familiar with Interesting and interested! I am ecstatic that now, I am both Interested with the interesting Subjects and the Intention I am picking up from your Mentoring! I realized you put your Great Intention to reach my Listening! Thank you very, very much! I am having a most delightful Experience of what Vluable Service you are going me! I am getting to know what I know, and what I do not know! And Yes! I would like the Wisdom to Discover, what I do not know about Money and Significant Other! With Great Respect and Great Gratitude, Lotus N
    P.S. I found out something too, completely right now, Mark! I noticed it yesterday when I was doing my integrations. Today after reviewing Level One Meeting, I just realized I am Speaking a lot better! Speech Arts and the Oral Tradition (teaching by Example, Presence and Silence), I am better at them now than I was before I had my Level One Meeting with you!
    I have observed Silence for practices of Asceticism for 20 years almost, from December 14, 1984-June 2004. I am just improving speaking again! Lord! What a Great Trip! My Learning Process in The Society is a lot of fun! Thanks a Lot, BFF! – LNG

  3. My Beloved Mentor,
    Something just happened while I was looking at the computer screen!
    I had the experience, just now, that while doing these Integrations today, I am just Doing, that my Thinking which has Improved had Thoughts without my Thinking! I stopped and wondered what was happening! Then, it came to my mind that years ago, I saw an Ad on the Internet about a book called Thought without a Thinker! I think it is written by an Advanced Tibetan Buddhist Practitioner who is a Medical Doctor. It dawned on me that while I was attracted to the Book and curious what it has to say about the Topic of the Title, I never read that Book although I bought it! It ended up among the Revered books I have which never got read since a was too engrossed and too one-pointed in my life of contemplation and Spiritual Business. I just now saw on my Mind, the Book Thought without a Thinker, and right now realized that I am having thoughts without my Thinking the Thoughts, that I am just Doing! From the Point of View of The Society, Sir, is there anything going on that you can explain to me? You have managed to reach my Listening so far, may I get feedback in response from you? I find you very learned with Human Potential, I find that it is not impossible for you to also see, aside from being able to reach into the Listening of a person, is it a by-product of your Level One Meeting? Much Gratitude, LNG, Airmont, NY.

  4. I just found out something right now, that I am starting to learn to speak American English! I got nervous! It happened very quickly! After a brief few seconds of nervous finding out what I am going through, I started being very happy! I am glad that I am adjusting to my environment! I used to be like a Walking Ashram! I like it! I am ready to assimilate with The Society! I find IT Perfect! I Like this Neothink Society Family! Very tasteful! Much Gratitude! Namaste!
    LNG, Airmont, NY

  5. Lotus N says:

    Revered Sir,
    Right now, I am on DOING mode! I reached Momentum the first time I joined the Level One Meeting. Tonight, I feel like I am Velocity with Absorption!

    Thank you for this BOON! How Priceless! It is a most Precious GEM of Discernment!

    Much Love,
    Lotus N of Airmont, NY. Namaste!

  6. Lotus N says:

    I find The Society’s Level One Meeting truly Substantial
    My Personal, Subjective “Take” of Neothink Society is – It is Impeccable, Tasteful!

    Thank you for giving me a very Classy Society to Belong to!
    I am most grateful and profoundly touched by a Grandmaster’s Hand! Thank you Mark Hamilton! This is EUREKA!

    May you be Abundantly Blessed for giving me a Society of The Most Beautiful People on the Planet for company! My Gratitude knows no Bounds!
    Much Love in the Infinite,
    Lotus N, Airmont, NY

  7. Hello Steve, It is mighty nice to meet you,
    I hope we have the opportunity to communicate.
    I am just now getting to move through the website and
    the meetings because I had trouble due to technical computer issues.
    I really wished I had connected with this group a few years ago but later is better than never. lol. I am working in other projects too so I am thinking what I learn here could only enhance and multiple my efforts in other areas. I am in training for Captain in District 72. This could be one of my Friday Night Essence, because above all else I love Truth. I am studying the essence of the Constitution which has been lost and revised by those who wish to take power from the individual and pass it to an evil collective. Well, I don’t know how much of this you want to hear but I am confirming I will find my Friday Night essence but do I have to limit it to one. I think I recall you saying we didn’t have to limit to one.
    In the end my two are interconnected. What were my two? Or is it 3? God and Truth and the Constitution.

  8. Joe G. Green says:

    New here but I like the vibes here on the various subjects, I want to learn more as I progress in the program. Exploring the website and all that is here and look foward to future learning as I progress with the study. I know what makes me money during the day and What my Friday Night Essence is but not making me money during the day but I want to start that mimi – coumpany to get going soon. Hopefully if will replace that bullshit job I have now !!!

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