Friday, March 7, 2025

Immortality Institute

January 1, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

Hello Mr. Hamilton,
I have found my essence! It was difficult as I have been blessed with many talents. You had said in your letters that I had the potential to heal others, well I have chosen to persue that essence. I PLAYED so much as a kid, and I have so many essences, e.i. singing, playing music, building, drawing, photography, healing, writing (which, by the way, I will need your help with later) I am writing a book now based on consepts in Pax Neo-Tech but need an approval and proof read. It is not acceptable that “if we win the war on terror” in your father’s book. We’ll talk about that later. For now I am focusing on healing and enlightment of patients. While power thinking my future I realized my future is too short 70 more years is simply not enough for me to enjoy and fufill my many essences, so I will do as the mistics have done the last 100 or so years and open a hospital. Many hospitals today are run by mistics, they prey on the helplessness of sickness as a source of their power. When in a hospital there is a chapel, a chaplin, and conviently they represent mistic teachings promoting death. At the most opportune moment, they approach dying individuals and their families with their teachings. AS A SOCIETY WE MUST counter this tactic of the anticivilization. I want to teach patients and their families at this time of need that they have hope and the reason they age and die is because of their mind set. Teach them about their essences, and how if they persue PLAYING as an adult their vibrational patterns will also change promoting health, welleness and happiness. This will not work for all individuals some will be too weak or too sick, but sickness I believe is in itself a disease of the mind. This will take a while, as I am a construction now I must change my life and learn a new field of study as I persue my M.D. This will require your permission to make available Neo-tech teachings to these individuals, much in the same way The Bible is made available to patients and families at today’s mistic hospitals. Scary thought that all healing hospitals are promoting death and sickness of the mind. This new concept has the potential to CURE THE DISEASE OF MISITCISM. I only need the help of the members of the society to create this, the greatest value mankind will ever know. Merge all medicines, medical science, natural cures, anti-aging procedures and lifestyle changes, into one hosptial and the future will be ours. We will be talked about on the four corners of the earth, especially by those who had no hope and found it. The governments will be powerless to stop us, as the people we heal will be our supporters, and misticism will be seen for the lie it truely is. If any one doubts this is possible I write these words “Anything the mind of man can concieve, and bring itself to believe it can achieve.”- Napoleon Hill. The only questions I have are; Where do I start? Do I do it now? and When can the society help with the mastermind for true health and wellness with the foundation of the Immortality Institute of medicine and learning?

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