Thursday, March 6, 2025

how can you help me?

December 29, 2017 by anthony g.  
Filed under Integrations

1st.of all I need to tell you I have never, ever read a book from cover to cover. The 1st book of the trioligy books is the 1st one I have read. When I saw how that it was I thought it would join the others I read, but nooo. every time I thought it was getting boring BOOM. it got very much alive. So thank you mr. Hamilton for keeping my and others I’m sure,attention and interest.
I am 63 years old. I haven’t worked in 28 years. I got hurt at work and I am now in severe, severe pain 24/7. I am depressed and it is hard to get out of bed, with the funk I’m in. Sometimes I feel like I just want to cash it in. I just don’t have the guts to do it. Thank God for that! Standing, sitting, walking etc;.etc; just causes more pain. Enough about my pain. Although I’m sure there’s a small amount of us out there that in pain. So now that you know that I can’t work, how can I gain wealth. Something that I can leave my children and also I would like to continue to give a monthly stipend to wounded warrior project and would like to start giving to St. Judes Childrens Hospital that never charges the patient or the family that stays there with there child while they get better, no matter how long it takes. I know I’m going to find a way to give. Everyone should. Now a not so important question, It seems to me that the keys on the cover of the books are out of order. book 1 has 3 keys, book 2 has 1 key and book 3 has 2keys. Any meaning to that?

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