Monday, March 3, 2025

Honored to Experience True Power

June 20, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a  
Filed under Integrations

Hello, I would first of all like to thank my mentor, Mark Hamilton, as well as everyone at the Neothink Society for their integrity in standing up for what they believe to be right in a very wrong world. I am so grateful to be a part of such an elite group of people, and thankful to have been chosen to share in your secrets. Neothink is quite honestly the best thing to ever happen in my life. Allow me to explain: Since learning of Neothink I have discovered my Friday-Night Essence. I realize that it is my unwavernig desire to increase the physical, emotional, and financial health of all conscious beings with whom I come into contact. More specifically, I will achieve this goal through Internet Marketing. I have been working 80 hour weeks between my “job” and my businesses, getting them off the ground. Through the profit-pulling secrets of Neothink, as well as the inspiration to know that there are others who share my values of uncompromising capitalism, low government, free market economics, rationality at all costs, and experiencing a true, quantum physics- based spirituality, I have been able to start 3 internet businesses. They are as follows: which is actually my father’s website that I am the webmaster for, which markets a great relationship e-book, as well as which promotes the NuWave Oven. The amazing thing is, I knew NOTHING about Internet Marketing 4 months ago. I knew NOTHING about web design, I knew next to nothing about business and NOTHING about marketing outside of the Neothink Manuscripts, and yet now I run 3 online businesses and am looking to expand into my own corporation, where I will hold all of my “virtual real estate” in other words, my profit-pulling internet businesses. It is my goal to have 3 websites devoted to the evergreen markets of health, wealth, and romance in order to create values and leave a legacy of happiness, health, and prosperity for the people of America during these trying economic times. At no other time than now is this needed. I appreciate so very much the time, money, dedication, and resources the Dr. Frank R. W. put into Pax NT, as it is the best Neothink publication I have ever read, as well as one of the best books I have ever read. Period. Thank you, Dr. Wallace, I wish I would have had the chance to thank you in person… However, I will do my absolute best to fulfill your dream of bringing the world into the Civilization of the Universe, and create limitless freedom and happiness for each conscious individual on earth.

I would like to close with a question to Mr. Hamilton that has been bothering me a little this entire time: I am not an atheist. However, I am also not necessarily a theist either. I belive it is possible that a personal god exists. My personal belief on the matter is that consciousness itself is what we all call “God.” I believe in pantheism, and also lean a little towards deism. I believe man IS God. I believe there is intelligence behind life on this planet, although I am uncertain as to its characteristics and its origins… if indeed said “Creator” has any origins. I would like to know, Mr. Hamilton, do these beliefs of mine, particularly a belief in a Universal Force, or energy, such as the Zero Point Field in Quantum Mechanics, make me uneligible to remain a member of the Neothink Society? Do my beliefs in the possiblity of a personal god, and what I believe to be the evidence of a deistic god conflict with the positions of the Neothink Society?

And perhaps a second question if you do not mind: I have learned a lot about, and had great success using, the Law of Attraction. I have seen and read “The Secret” many, many times as well as “What the Bleep Do We Know?!” and use the principles of those two documentaries in my everyday life with great success. As a matter of fact, I just recevied a credit card in the mail 2 days ago and I have not had one in almost 2 years because of bad credit history. I have not had a phone of my own for over a year, and out of the blue, At&t offered me a free phone and approved my two-year contract, so I’ll have a great phone now, better than I have ever had. Most important, I am now dating a 23 year old model from Claifornia who is quite honestly the most gorgeous woman I have EVER spoken to in my entire life. We have been dating only a few days, but she is loving, kind, beautiful, intelligent, just the kind of woman I have always wanted. And the thing is, I haven’t had a girlfriend in 6 years. Yes, you read that correctly! Not 6 months… 6 YEARS! Thank you Mark Hamilton! Thank you Neothink! Thank you Universe! Just… thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Very Sincerely,
Ken Barcroft

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