December 14, 2010 by tdomf_25e5a
Filed under Integrations
Yes Mark,I understand what you say in your books but I don’t get it your web site is hard to understand ,I heard your first meeting but I don’t know where to go from there. I am not very good with computes.” I don’t know what to do next” NOW you went to send me this new Book Pax NT by your father and I am very sorry about your loss.I am a 60 year old women and like the other women I think this is more for a man .But you send this to me so there must be a reason why .The reason I joined was to help my mother and myself also. my mother is over 30,000.00 in debit and she is 83 years old she is making her self sick over all her bills . Thank you Pam
My name is Charlie and I am your mentor for Level 1. Contact me at and I can help guide you along, so that this will start to help you and your Mother.