Saturday, February 22, 2025

Happiness is all I want.

September 21, 2015 by Alan  
Filed under Integrations

I want to personally say thank you to all of the members of this society. Thank you for reaching out to me years ago. For all of you level one members out there reading this, my story might be a little bit different than most. I have had all three books for years now. The first time I read them, everything in my life did change. I had the most money that I had earned at any job, which made me extremely happy. But my nieveness took me for a ride. Back down the dark slide of stagnation. I have known about the neo tech society for years! Again, I lost touch with the group and knowledge that was once plugged in that easily became unplugged. For the last 7 years I have been stuck in the rut. The rut I thought I escaped. In that rut brought on hard times of poverty, stress, and defeat; as I could feel the anti civilization pushing harder and harder against me….
With the red and blue pattern envolpe in my mailbox just earlier this year, I knew exactly what the letter and words inside were before I could rip open the envolpe! That excitement I hadn’t seen in a while had returned. I knew this feeling as I had experienced it before. The sunny days seem to be back!
As reading through page for page all over again, things started to click. I couldn’t wait for the meetings to start up as that’s where I had lost contact last time. Well let me say that I won’t be losing contact ever again with Neo Tech! I was born into anti civilization and removed from it temporarily, (my first time reading my heirloom packages) just to be buried deep back in it. I’m seeing the puzzle this time and will never be going back AGAIN!
I’m eager for the next year of my life, and couldn’t be more focused thanks to the attention grabbing information you have passed on Mark Hamilton. From the bottom of my heart thank you, and I can’t wait to solve puzzles together in the future, I’m ready!

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