Saturday, March 1, 2025


June 7, 2022 by Bluet  
Filed under Integrations

Dear Mr. Hamilton, and all senior-level NeoThink members reading this,

I am very grateful for the information shared. Though I am starting a new dynamic business with the end goal in mind of curing disease and aging through Medical Marijuana as medications prescribed through a deregulated FDA/Federal Law(s), coming soon, I am preparing a new journey that is my downstream focus as a value creator. I intend to study the changing biochemistry of both medicinal Marijuana (a burgeoning biotech asset) and a full two greenhouses more of medicinally valuable plants as they alter chemically during the growth process, to isolate those healing and regenerative processes, and I believe that I can make a major breakthrough to heal many curable diseases at this time in the next 60 years. I am 35 and would like to keep it a family business. I am in the process of creating capital, though I am having motivational issues, and am growing by leaps and bounds in many areas of my life at this time. The most positive thing I have to say is that I am on the verge of a breakthrough that could lead to curing aging and death that I have seen visions of. However, my real passion, my real Friday night light essence, is archaeology, which I spent the last 10 years of education on, with a devastating end which I alone take responsibility for. However, I want to thank Mr. Hamilton for his expression that we can be where we need to be financially first, before moving on to a different Friday night light essence, or marry the two, or endless possibilities. IF aging and ultimately death are taken out of the equation there is time enough for almost all. How delightful that would be, to watch my children, and have time to play my whole life. What I want to sincerely thank you for and am most grateful for is this idea of play. Play as a mother, play as a wife, play as an entrepreneur, lighten up, take it easy. That is a gift that you have given me today most needed for the benefit of all, but especially for the ease of my mind and life and energy and good. So many rely on me that time management is now the key to stepping forward, and play is the method through which I can no find the joy for motivation to do so. It took the chore out of it some and gives me the great ability to have lasting happiness. I’ve made a promise to myself to play every day, and be easy-going where others are concerned, allowing a state of allowing, and opening up room in my life and my family’s life for all the good that is coming my way. What advice would you have for me based on my comment? Thank you. With deep regard – Bluet

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