Friday, March 21, 2025

Glad To Be Alive & Here With You !

May 24, 2016 by cheryl w.h.  
Filed under Integrations

Mr. Hamilton, you opened up the world I have been searching for all of my life. I have been so misunderstood, beaten down by my family, lousy friends..for what I wanted to do with my life. The only
people that understood, and loved me…were my grandmother (deceased since 2000) and my best
friend, even now I met in college. I have been wandering in the wilderness for decades. After losing
all I had (filed bankruptcy 2003) I had to start over, maybe now, I will find myself doing something I really like to do. My goal was to be a ballerina, in my early years…that is over now. My next goal was to be a
great public motivational Public Speaker. I want to travel world wide, build information centers, solve major problems in society, dealing with mental issues. Homeless-Low Self Esteem, Depression, Brain Issues. leading people to throw their lives away. Locations to walk in, and recommend those to facilities for intake. , This will be faith based. I believe in the Bible, it works if you choose to follow and believe in it. I am seek a volunteer street reach minister. My goal is to seek funding for nationwide locations. I want to travel the USA & World, implementing my original programs. I have proven results, over the last 10 years now. Many clients have beat heroin, lifetime welfare, poverty 25 plus years in prison, no job 3-7 years on the streets-homeless, and more. My vision for success takes big money, in the meantime…I am supporting 3 websites, giving to 18 charities yearly, donating my money to help others, paying on 14 credit cards. My monthly income is 1180.00 Every now and then, I get a few donations. I work with the homeless, and working poor, they have no money. I know only Jesus, and people of God will help and understand me. I am alone, work alone,
have no one to call or depend on. I pray often, to die or fly away…something better than this one day.
I see so far ahead of every day life, in so many ways…can you understand this at all Mr. Hamilton? What is really wrong or right about my life thinking? It seems so out of the norm, to people ? help please ???

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